Village Ministry
Mumbwa, Zambia is a small community village 2 hours west of the the capital city, Lusaka.
While gardening is a viable way to make a living, access to education is scarce. In addition, there was previously no christian church building within a reasonable walking distance, before two churches were planted by Hands of Hope a few miles apart in different villages.
As of 2025, the Transformation Center has been built and currently houses Mutanya Baptist Church. We are dreaming and praying for the ways God is asking us to use the building and how to responsibly partner with local people and village members. The goal is to make this ministry a self-sustaining entity without outside funds being necessary to run.
As of now, a well has been installed, creating an efficient and convenient way for locals to draw clean water, as well as electricity on the land. In addition, the people of the village have built a church, with only roofing materials donated by Hands of Hope. Previously, the congregation was meeting under a tree every Sunday, rain or shine. Now, the church meets within the Transformation Center, and has planted a second church, Ebenezer Baptist Church. This second church has now been given land for a well and to see a church established one day.
Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Transformation Center in 2023